Between my Echo Park home and the LA Farmers' Market exists a very special place. A place where a bit of magic exists among the mundane. A place you can't help but gawk at as you drive by on busy 3rd Street. A place that embodies everything that is wacky and wonderful about this behemoth of a city.
This place of beauty is called Youngwood Court. It features somewhere between 10-20 replicas of Michelangelo's statue of David, a huge white wrought iron gate, and a variety of delightfully tacky Christmas decorations that vary by the year.
After months of driving by what I simply assumed to be an amusing spectacle, I got to Googling and found out the storied history of what must be the best house in Los Angeles.
According to
Atlas Obscura,
"The street-side private residence, known as 'Youngwood Court,' has been the subject of many lawsuits, traffic jams, and heated debates on aesthetic preference. [R+B producer Norwood] Young purchased the home in the mid-1990s and—much to the chagrin of the local homeowner's association -- painted it white, erected an elaborate white iron gate, and set up 19 white statues of Michelangelo's David. For over a decade, Young faced—and filed—numerous lawsuits against neighbors and city officials who sought to tear down his aesthetic vision. Today, Young has finally ended his long legal battle and continues to exercise his yard-decorating rights, earning LA City Beat magazine's title as the 'King of Hancock Park.'
Though the David statues are the main attraction, Young adds to the spectacle by decorating his yard in thematic designs. This past year, Young celebrated his birthday with a tribute to the other 'King,' Michael Jackson. Each David statue was fitted in a Thriller-esque jacket, and a 7-foot replica of MJ's famous sequined glove was put on display.
For his annual winter holiday tradition, Young dresses his Davids in Santa Claus hats and displays an African-American Mr. and Mrs. Claus on a gold throne. Not to be outdone by the Claus', however, the holiday scene also includes a larger-than-life replica of Young himself, as well as a gigantic lights display of a crown and "Norrywood" sign on his roof."
"'It is like spitting in somebody's eye,' said Marguerite Byrne, a member of the Hancock Park Homeowners Assn.'s board of directors. 'It is individualism run amok.'"
Here's a video from Mr. Young's youtube account. Enjoy.
It's people like Norwood Young who make Los Angeles, and the world, a more interesting place to live. I know where I'll be next December 2011.