I'd always wanted to visit New York but never had the chance. I knew next to nothing about the city; I couldn't name the mayor, the five boroughs or identify the location of Central Park. I spent hours researching on Wikipedia, Google and Craigslist. Planning the move was frightening, stressful and exhilarating.
Relocating here was a big change, but I think I've done pretty well on my own. Here's a list of some things that have helped me adjust.
Living Solo in New York: My Essentials

This may be incredibly obvious, but let me preface it with a story. One day, after I'd undoubtedly spent too much time on a computer, I found myself wishing that life had a screencap function. Then I realized it did: cameras.
Similarly, I used to wish for an iPhone, just for its Google Map function (I got lost ALL. THE. TIME. when I first moved here - it was rough). Then I realized: I can buy a map.
This $8 map was the best purchase I've made here: with a city map and a subway map in hand, I can do quite well for myself. My next goal is to be able to distinguish between north, south, east and west anywhere in Manhattan.

I have to say, I feel incredibly lucky to live in the Information Age. Being in a long-term long-distance relationship, I don't know what I'd do without the ability to video chat.
Talking with Nick (or Nicole, Dallas and the other residents of the WTC house) on Skype could never compare to being in Madison with them, but it's as close as I can get. Maybe someday there will be hologram communication or teleporting or floo powder, but for now I'm just happy to see my favorite faces on my laptop.

There is so much to do, see and eat in New York that it can be overwhelming just to pick a place to order Chinese takeout. That's where Yelp comes in: everyday people (or "Yelpers") post their reviews of shops, attractions and restaurants.
You can modify your search by factors like proximity, price range, food type and average rating. I rarely go out to eat at a place I haven't looked up on Yelp, and almost every Yelp-approved place I've tried has lived up to its rating.

With the exception of 30 Rock, I don't usually watch sitcoms...but I'm so hooked on this show right now. Its premise: a father tells his children the tale of how he met their mother.
Luckily, the story isn't short, because every episode leading to the fateful moment is completely delightful. Neil Patrick Harris kills it as Barney, a womanizer with a penchant for suits.
I'm watching all the episodes online in my downtime and I would suggest everyone else do the same.
5. MP3 player
There are a lot of things - and people - best left ignored in New York. Panhandlers, cat-callers, sidewalk wildlife activists, people handing out flyers, and obnoxious subway riders are all quite easily forgotten when one is immersed the sounds of oh, say, Passion Pit and Hot Chip.
6. Sensible shoes
Sadly, this is one category in which I come up short. I should find a pair of summer walking shoes, but I just can't bring myself to add a tenth pair to my shoe collection here.
My feet hate me for this, they really do. I have all sorts of fun new callouses from walking around in uncomfortable shoes. Anyone reading: please don't follow in my painful (but stylish!) footsteps.

Black and white cookies are kind of a New York staple. On his show, Jerry Seinfeld referenced black and whites as racial harmony in cookie form: "Two races of flavor living side by side. It's a wonderful thing..."
These cookies are certainly harmonious - and delicious. At the bagel shop near my house, you can buy a black and white the size of a small frisbee for a $2. That's a lot of sugar; perfect fuel for a day of sightseeing. Excuses aside, I'm a fiend for a good cookie.
I'm really disappointed that you listed black and white cookies and not S'MAC and PINCH. They fall into the same category of quintessential NYC dining, if you ask me.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I already bought tickets to see Passion Pit on June 9th at Black Cat here in DC. You're welcome to take the Bolt down here and join me! They're SO fun live. Seriously.
I'm 3/4 of the way done with the first season of HIMYM, virus problems be damned.
ReplyDeleteVery informative and interesting, Katie May. Love it!
ReplyDeleteYou know I'll pass it on to everyone . . .
Love you!
Random comment: The black part of the black and white cookies looks too black. Not chocolatey enough.