Sunday, January 25, 2009

persistence, despite minor mishaps

Well, the city hit me hard this weekend. Kind of.

On Friday night, I went out for drinks with a friend/ex-Heralder Bassey who relocated here, one of his friends and some of his friend's friends. We went to a couple of bars in the NYU/Nolita area (Botanica and Sweet & Vicious). I was afraid drinks would cost double what they do in Madison, but prices weren't bad.

Disclaimer: Relatives/other people afraid for my safety - please don't freak out upon reading this story - I'm fine. Also, don't tell this story to grandma.

So apparently MTA uses weekends to work on the subway system. As a result, routes get changed and everything gets very, very confusing - especially after a few (3? 4?) gin and tonics (yes mom, I know you're reading). On the way home in a train marked by a number of sleeping, smelly homeless men, I found myself two stops in on the wrong line. As a drunk, New York subway novice, I couldn't even begin to fathom how to fix my mistake. Instead, I went up to the street hoping to take a cab home. I feebly tried hailing a few of the stereotypical yellow cabs, but failed to get one to stop. Instead, a white car at an opposing stoplight honked at me (acknowledging my plight) and drove over, stopping next to me. I walked over and asked the driver "Is this a cab?" He said yes, so I hopped in the backseat. As soon as I closed the door, I realized it was a VERY BAD IDEA to get into an unmarked car, so I started to get a little freaked out, especially after I couldn't see a meter. But thankfully, the guy was very nice and actually was a cab driver - I arrived at home safely. HOWEVER: I will never do such a dumb thing again. My roommate Virginia told me that there aren't many of your typical yellow cabs in Brooklyn and these sorts of unmarked taxis aren't unusual. But yeah, that was dumb. Dumb, dumb, dumb...

I didn't really feel up to doing much on Saturday, so I slept WAY in and sat around most of the day. I watched 30 Rock online and ventured out for a run in Prospect Park. I'm super out of shape though, and far, far away from my "Dallas White Couch-to-5K" running peak, so it was hard. Prospect Park is incredibly nice though and too close to ignore (a block away), so I have literally no excuse to exercise once in a while. I also spent quite a bit of time on Skype talking with (at various times) Nick, Nicole, D-White, Jeremy, Chris and Michelle - I miss you guys!

I braved the maddening subway again today, heading to the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum, which is on Museum Mile next to Central Park. It took me a really long time to get there, with considerable poor navigation by me, but I found it eventually. They're renovating the museum, so not much of it was open but they had a couple interesting exhibits. I considered going to the Guggenheim, but only two exhibits were open there so I decided to wait and go back later (probably when I have visitors). I had a bit more luck finding my way back to Brooklyn, but I still messed up and had to ask a MTA employee what to do. It's definitely going to take me a while to get a handle on the subway system. I'm fine when it's a straight shot or a straightforward transfer, but when something differs from that, I'm a lost cause.

Miscellaneous notes:
- I saw a pet shop where they had puppies in cages in the window. This led to an odd effect, almost like a Red Light District for dogs. All they want is to be loved...
- I accidentally made potato soup for dinner (I tried to make mashed potatoes but something went wrong. I am a terrible cook). It wasn't bad soup though!
- My roommate told me about a food co-op that's near my place - it's basically like a Whole Foods where members get 50% off. All you have to do is put in three hours of some sort of work a month - babysitting, cashiering, stocking, etc. I'm probably going to do this; I might meet some new people and it should motivate me to start eating healthier.
- In stark contrast with my last statement, I really want to make (and eat an entire pan of) these Oreo Fudge Bars. OH MY GOD.
- Since I make $0.00 an hour at my internship, I'm going to try to find a babysitting job. I just posted an ad for myself on craigslist (that sounds weird), so we'll see what happens.

To answer your questions:
Nick - Yes, New York is fun.
Nicole - Times Square's about the same size, maybe even a bit smaller, than that Piccadilly Circus circle thing.
Mase - No, I didn't eat the giant M&M. Had it been edible, I may have.


  1. Don't scare me like that, you Poopsie!


  2. Um, two things. I don't think prostitutes are looking for love. Well, they are, but not in the same way that those puppies are. And Piccadilly Circus is way smaller than Times Square. Actually, three things: I miss you.

  3. I have three things as well...

    1) Last time I was in New York I wound up on a random bus because an unmarked taxi took me to the bus center in Manhattan instead of Laguardia. And then this giant man yelled at me because I couldn't find my bus ticket fast enough and gave him "attitude." So don't worry.

    2) Art museums: go to MoMA at the design/arch. floor and check out all the vintage Esquire covers. I think the inner design dork in you will love it as much as the inner design dork in me.

    3) I, like Nick, miss you too.


    first of all, the internship sounds fascinating you lucky thing. You know how I love the tv.

    second of all, too bad you didn't go into D&D... who know what wacky and dramatic misadventures were occurring there.

    third of all, BE CAREFUL. I need an in-tact BFF.

    fourth of all, I texted you this, but: The blogging is lovely, but I will still need you to call me occasionally so I can hear your pretty voice. I don't have a computer microphone like you fancies, so you will have to call me on the old fashioned "telephone."


  5. Since everyone gets responses to their questions because they ask actual questions, I shall post one.
    What shall I make you for dinner when you return?
    Pick something fancy. I got the Top Chef cookbook and I want to test out some new tricks.

  6. hey this is stasiia from ss, about the unmarked cars, they are referred to as car services. you can tell if theyre legit if they have a sticker and/or number on their car window. the sticker would be the car service company name and the number is their car number. they also always have babbling voices in the background (on the radio) so if youre ever unsure, just check for those!

    i was a nanny when i first moved to the city. just check out the childcare section on craigslist frequently. problem is- most want you to work everyday by picking their kid up from school, which probably wont work with your schedule. i found it harder to get 'one time or weekend' gigs. it would be easier for you to probably get a weekend retail type job..nightly waitress/bartender or something like that. i thought about working here before- being a buyer..which is basically going through peoples clothes and picking out what is good, haha, idk, i figured it would be more fun than some of the other retail jobs. i also did h&m when i first got here and couldnt stand it.
