In addition to watching the dogs being judged in the main rings, Caryl and I went backstage. We saw dogs being groomed (hairspray, blow dryers, straightening irons...these dogs are much more meticulously styled than most people I know), dogs being cooled off by fans in their cages and dogs being spoken to - and argued with - as if they were human beings. The coolest part is that we were able to talk with handlers and could pet some of the dogs. One licked my face. The dog handlers and owners are an interesting study themselves; I overheard one woman confiding in another, "I HATE her dog and she HATES mine..." Alliances in the dog show circuit must be wild. I also saw a dog running on a treadmill at the hotel across the street where all the participants stay - hilarious!

It was at MSG?!?!?! That's super-cool! I would go to anything at MSG just to say I've been there.
ReplyDeleteThat is my necklace. THAT IS MY NECKLACE!
ReplyDeleteLooks like a lot of fun, Katers!
ReplyDeleteSo I'm not really a dog person, but that still looks like so much fun. And I'm stuck here studying for a test tomorrow instead. No fair. That Shiba Inu looks half fox.
ReplyDeleteHa, looks like fun.
ReplyDeleteSomeone told me today the megabus company (cheap bus company from England) is now in U.S. and a bit of Canada. Now return bus rides from Toronto to NYC go for as little as $46 and max about half of what greyhound charges. Woot.
Update, plz.
ReplyDeleteAnd now that I posted that, I have a question for you:
ReplyDeleteDoes it amuse you that Google uses almost-words as a screen against automated trollers? I don't know if that's what they're actually called, but it seems accurate.
Please respond to this question at your earliest convenience.
Sarah Michelle Probst
My favorite is the airbrushed likeness of the dog on the shirt of the handler/owner/styler...(?)
ReplyDeleteHey! That is a Corgi, my Mum used to do a lot of dog showing in the 1980s so I'm very aware of all the strange kinds of people that are involved, however, the dogs are generally looked after...the people are MENTAL though...haha!