Friday, April 29, 2011

i've discovered the holy grail of inducing cat anger

Henry has fleas.

I guess the universe reads my blog and knew I was wondering about the BEST WAY TO TORTURE A CAT. It delivered.

Yesterday I discovered a couple of mystery bugs crawling around Henry's face. Yep. Fuckin' fleas. On an indoor cat. My life.

I started Henry's de-flea regimen by furminating him within an inch of his life (okay, he purred the whole time—that cat loves him some furminator!) to get rid of eggs and detritus. I ordered some Frontline & flea spray on amazon, then gave him a bath with dishsoap (so the fleas would stand out in his fur).

I then TWEEZED the FLEAS from Henry's body, ONE by ONE, using my expensive-ass TWEEZERMAN. If that's not love, I don't know what is. Henry assumed I was trying to slowly kill him, and turned on me. Luckily he's too gentle to scratch or bite. Any wilder cat would have made me into a hunk of meat.

This morning I woke up and the fleas had MULTIPLIED. By a lot. I drove over to Glendale Petco, picked up a flea comb and flea spray, drove home and set to work.

Step one, spray cat and rub flea spray into skin. Theoretically this will kill fleas on contact. Step two, de-flea with comb and tweezer. Again, ONE by ONE. Step three, give another bath. Step four, de-flea AGAIN with comb and tweezer. By the end, Henry was shaking and crying...and so was I.

Tomorrow comes the Frontline, and I could not be more excited.

Friday stress levels
Henry 10/10
Katie 10/10


  1. Oh, cats hate vacuum cleaners. Perhaps you could add that into the mix.
