Sunday, May 8, 2011

ode to my mama

Mother's Day this year corresponds with the period in my life when I need my mom the most -- and when I'm farthest away from her.

For so many reasons, my mom is the most inspirational person in my life. As long as I can remember, "My mom" has been the answer automatically penciled in on school questionnaires for "Your Hero," or "Person You Look Up To." She's an amazing and strong woman who tackles adversity head-on, and teaches me to do the same.

My mom gives of herself selflessly. She always stands up for what's right, and counsels her children to be the bigger person (advice I should, but don't always, take). She's also a built-in best friend who knows me better than I know myself. Whenever I need that reality check, I push the first entry in my iPhone "favorites" list.

My mom plays the role of "second mom" to more people than I can count on both hands. When I was younger, I was known for throwing epic tantrums whenever my mom held or paid attention to another child. These days I can realize that my mom is so special that it would be selfish to keep her all to myself. That's why she gets 50 birthday presents and funny handmade cards from her co-workers every time July 22 rolls around. It's why she's always booked for lunch dates and why we can't go anywhere in my hometown without someone stopping us to chat. She means a lot to a LOT of people.

Most importantly, my mom is always there when I need her. I can always call her -- even if it's past her bedtime (I know I woke her up when I'm greeted by a sleepy "What do you want?") or if I'm crying too hard to even say "Hello." My mom always knows how I feel and is ready with the advice I need to hear. And she can give it for hours straight. She's my very own personal therapist!

These are just a few of the reasons why I love my mom (I could fill a book), and why the 2000-mile distance between us feels like so much more. I can only hope that someday I'll be as wonderful a person as she is today.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Sweet Pea, this is the best Mother's Day present you could ever give to me. I love you with my whole heart - you know that, you have always known that, and you always will know it! You're gonna make me cry!

    Proud to be the momma to you and Jake - you two make ME a better person.
